Ik hou van Sarah

{image}I Love Sarah, de band van het olijke duo Rudy Perdu en Jani Jani (voor alle duidelijkheid: dat zijn niet de namen op hun paspoort), brengt op 6 februari een eerste langspeler uit, Isle Of Sarah getiteld. En geheel in de tegendraadse geest van de band doen ze dat zonder label en komt het album enkel op vinyl uit.

In 2007 debuteerde I Love Sarah met de EP Hoekzetel Bruno. Maar de band maakte vooral naam met hun optredens, die strakke experimentele muziek combineerde met flauwe grappen. De band komt uit het undergroundcircuit rond Ultra Eczema en de Antwerpse zaal Scheld’ Apen, en speelde ondertussen ook al in de AB, het STUK en de Recyclart en verzorgde het voorprogramma van Battles en Animal Collective. Maar de kans dat u ze op JIM TV zult zien blijft relatief klein.

Isle Of Sarah werd geproduced door Pascal Deweze. Op 6 februari is de officiële release in de Scheld’ Apen in Antwerpen. Er volgt ook nog een tournee in Engeland.

Tracklist (de uitleg van de band bij de nummers willen we u niet onthouden)

A1. Isle Of Sarah introduces the listener to the world that its title represents by being loud, scary and brilliant at the very same time.

A2. De Fons starts off with marimba madness and ends in a heavy metal take on Ravel's "Bolero"! Alarmschijf.

A3. Cornelius is a tribute to the Japanese musician of the same name. Neo-classicism at its very best.

A4. Twinkle is the first ballad by I Love Sarah that doesn't have the words "love" and "Sarah" in its lyrics but still manages to touch the moved listeners at their very core. Now stop crying and flip over that damned record, man!

B1. Toothbrush has been re-interpreted in order to blend in perfectly with the rest of this highly enjoyable musical endeavour. The song's subject is now said to have been manufactured in China, which leads us smoothly to

B2. Greensleeves (Chinaman, You Must Die), also known as the final part of the Chinaman Trilogy. This courageous mixture of rock opera extravaganza and gritty war journalism tells us the well-known story of the Chino-Irish war, this time quite controversially told from the point of view of an aggressive, racist Irish victim slash warlord.

B3. Zilch(ke Scoren) (No Lacism In China) is the track that is more commonly known as Chinaman Trilogy Part Two. It shows us the softer, more human side of the Chinese invaders that has so often been overlooked by Western journalists and historians alike.

B4. QCQ L Zouk? Irish and Chinese civilians take each other's hands and dance their pain away to mariachi trumpets. Tears of sadness slowly evolve into happy waterfalls as the fresh blood of the war wounds is being used to paint a giant heart of undivided love.

B5. Heil Of Sarah consolidat



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